Cover reveal! Title reveal! Contest! Exclamation points!

Thank you guys so much for being so supportive of the Three Girls and a Baby sale! The book was downloaded quite a bit yesterday and it was so fun to see it show up on some best-seller lists. For a while Baby was the #16 ebook on! Weee! The sale will continue through next Monday so if you haven’t grabbed a copy yet there’s still time to get it cheap;)

The big news for today is that I am finally ready to reveal the title and cover of my next book. Without further ado, I present…


Lizzie Medina went to London to reinvent herself. Tired of being the quiet baby sister, and in no hurry to settle into a boring existence in surburbia, she escapes from home at the first opportunity. When she settles in London for a year of post-graduate studies, Lizzie is sure she’ll be able to start a whole new life. Immerse herself in the books she loves. Explore a new country. Work on her dream of writing a novel. She might even be able to find a little bit of excitement for once.

But falling unexpectedly in love with up-and-coming actor Thomas Harper causes Lizzie to re-think her wishes for excitement. When Thomas’s career suddenly explodes to superstar levels, Lizzie finds herself forced to navigate the fame game of red carpets, catty co-stars, gossip magazines, and paparazzi. When she wished for a new life, she had no idea it would be anything like this!

Lizzie must now determine if her love is strong enough to get her through the complications of dating a movie star. Even if she and Thomas are able to pull through before she leaves London, how will she deal with the inevitability of returning to a life at home that no longer feels like her own? Will the changes Lizzie made in London be enough to help her find true happiness?

Find out in Lovestruck in London, available from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and the iBookstore Tuesday, May 21st 2013!

I am so excited to release this book! I researched it and started writing during my trip to the UK last fall. It seems so crazy to me that a book I started while sitting in Hyde Park one afternoon, worked on while cruising across the ocean, and finished after moving into my new house will actually be published. I really hope you guys like it as much as I do! I think the thing I’m most excited about is introducing a whole new set of characters. I tend to get really invested in my characters–in fact, I kind of refuse to believe that Kiki Barker Thompson is not a real person and my actual friend. I hope you guys will enjoy meeting Lizzie and her friends because I’m so excited for you to get to know them!

To help spread my excitement, I’ll be giving away a $20 gift card to one of my readers. To enter, all you have to do is comment below and let me know your email address and who your favorite literary character is. The contest is only open to those living in the United States, sorry!  I’ll randomly select a winner the day of the book release, Tuesday, May 21.

I’ll be doing at least two more contests throughout the week in anticipation of the release. One will be open to newsletter members only, so if you haven’t already, sign up to be on the email list here. I only send out *occasional* emails regarding new releases, sales, and contests, promise! I will not clog up your inbox because I hate that as much as the next girl;)

I’m still working on the last minute polish of the novel so I better get back to work. Hope you all have a lovely Tuesday. Good luck with the contest!


33 thoughts on “Cover reveal! Title reveal! Contest! Exclamation points!

  1. I love you Rachel! This book sounds fantastic! My fave lit character…. Hmmm…. Three way tie between Atticus finch, the morph of Lizzie Bennett and Bridget, and Stacey McGill.

  2. I’m so excited for your latest book Rachel! Although my free time is few and far between with a new baby, I’m hoping to sneak in a little reading soon. Picking one literary character as my favorite is just too hard to do though!

  3. Awesome! I can’t wait to read it! 🙂 I don’t know that I have an all-time favorite character, but right now I really enjoy the characters of Tris and Four in the Divergent series.

  4. Hi Rachel! I loved the “Love Story” books and now I’m starting on the “Three Girls” series. My favorite literary character is Lucy Honeychurch from A Room with a View. Best wishes on the new book!

    • I’m so glad you liked the Love Story books! I hope you enjoy Three Girls. I haven’t read A Room with a View. I have a feeling this contest is going to make my To Be Read pile much larger!

  5. I just finished reading Jane Eyre and I loved her as a character. A second would be Elizabeth Bennet. Both are strong women and very interesting

    • I love both of those characters! The main character from this book is named after Lizzie Bennet. There are lots of Pride and Prejudice references in the book–it’s my favorite!

  6. Congrats on the upcoming release! You rock, girl! I’m participating for my mama here because I know she’d love to refill her Kindle with some good reads. 🙂 One of my favorite literary characters is definitely (and appropriately timed) Jay Gatsby.

  7. If I had to pick just one, I would pick Tom Sawyer. I love his desire to be free and still in the end knows how important family is.
    If I had to pick another, Jo March. She is a great inspiration to find the creativity in life! 🙂

    I couldn’t resist picking two…..

  8. Pingback: Chick Lit Author Blog Hop! | rachelschurig

  9. I always hate the favorite character question XD cause its so hard to choose. But Id say Ryodan from Karen Marie Monings Fever series right now still. 😀

    kitsune_no_sora @ yahhoo

  10. I’m not sure I could pick a favorite, but I’m currently rather attached to Kellan Kyle from the books by S.C. Stephens.

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